
Found: 781
Alena 2: Police Story

The name of the cop girl whose is about a telephone. She arrives in the building. A nymph requires a flashlight and comes in the building. First open the doorway and you need to fix the mystery. Click the same images to get this done. So that the building is black and the nymph ends on the flashlight. Suddenly somebody will declare that the nymph. Following a duo of hours, then Alena wakes up in the cellar. She`s downright nude. Next to her is just another nymph. She`s tied into the ceiling. What a unusual location!??! Click another nymph. Now the gotta set her free-for-all. With this you need to fix one mystery. As soon as you do this, you`ll have the chance for hump moments. Look at these girls will have hump with the girls. And a person will follow along thru the camera on the ceiling.. Interesting!? Let`s begin the game and find out what will happen.

MrPinku: Let's Mix Stuff

In this game from MrPinku by blending mix of stuff, you`re suposed to get some funtime. Take some hot woman of your choice, put her in one of many decorations and throw some extra characters. Either you`ll have just a funny hunting scenario or set the key combination which will permit you to view special animated scenes (in this case you`ll observe exceptional signals on the display which you`re supposed to trigger). One of decorations and personalities you will see something you are already acquainted with at some things you can play with this game as some sort of sensual parody . Now attempt to mix elements in the most unpredictable way to find and love all teh surprises MrPinku has covert in his game!

Epic Sexy Magic

Probably you have already seen some vignettes of the game with the same name on erotic themed gaming sites but only here and now you are welcomed to play the conclude story that combines all the five vignettes in one place. Get ready to follow the adventrues of a young mage who definitely has some magical abilities but constantly gets into some situations that are dangerous and catchy because apart from magic there`s an additional thing he is interested in - chicks! And there`ll be alot of dream sweethearts in his own way but how much does he go together depends upon how well you are at solving point-and-click pursuit style summons because it will be your responsibility to help our hero to solve the obstacles and get the doable hotty as prize.

Ayames Pleasure

In this game you`re likely to meet such figures in anime series``Naruto`` like Ayame and Iruka. They are not very permanently used as main characters of hentai parodies don`t miss the chance to love their secret life if you happened to be their worshipper for some reason. Since this is hentai parody they are obviously going to fuck however their fucking will become will depend on the player`s deeds. Your task is fairly plain - all you need to do is to recreate specific bodie areas of our characters in order to make them to move more an dmore active. Try to catch the decent rhytm for teh action that will permit their enjoyment to control to the max and prize you with special popshot animated scene instead of game over screen.

Found: 781